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HomeLettersWe must do better to protect our children

We must do better to protect our children

Collin Haynes MPH MBA
Collin Haynes MPH MBA

The recent allegations leveled against the suspended Minister of Local Government and Regional Development is damning and an embarrassment for the government and our country. Amidst the call for a resignation by interest groups, many have felt that the President should have done the honorable thing  and have the Minister terminated immediately. The cloud of conviction hanging over the disgusting, shameful and uncouth behavior by a senior member of the cabinet is distracting to the important work of  the government in administrating the affairs of its citizens. Had the President terminated the Minister, it would have demonstrated his empathy to protect the brilliant young assets of the nation, our children, of which he can relate to as being a father of two children. 

The current episode of events surrounding the alleged rapist has implications on a parent’s responsibility in protecting their child. It is unfathomable to think that parents would allow their under-age children, a 15-year-old girl to be in the company of her younger sibling at a government official’s residence. If they were, “concerns” that the parent needed to be addressed as stated by the teenager’s missive,  that should have been handled on an adult-to-adult level. Parents should always be vigilant to protect their children from sick, perverted and disgusting human behaviors as exhibited by the alleged rapist. Additionally, parents must create an environment for their children to converse with them regularly to engage on issues affecting their social and mental being.

Based on the sexual offence’s act of 2010 “A person who commits the offence of rape is liable, on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for life.” (Part 2, section 3, line 3). Notwithstanding a conviction by the court, this case creates a monumental opportunity for the people of Guyana in setting the standard for unwanted behaviors by those that may use executive privilege to groom, coerce and destroy our children. The holy bible states in Matthew 18:6 “ But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believes in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” With great actions comes great consequences. 

Collin Haynes MPH MBA

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