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HomeLettersM.P. and Attorney-at-Law Roysdale Forde responds to Anand Sanasie’s attempt to “sully...

M.P. and Attorney-at-Law Roysdale Forde responds to Anand Sanasie’s attempt to “sully my good name, and character”

PPP surrogate Anand Sanasie slanders successful ‘Diaspora Conference’ with unfounded, malicious claims using ‘old’ business grudge.

Dear Editor,

Allow me to offer a comprehensive response to the slanderous, maliciously false and spurious attempts by ‘embattled’ former Executive Member of the Guyana Cricket Board, Mr. Anand Sanasie, who publicly sought to sully my good name, and character, in order berate the recently and “successfully” concluded, ‘Washington Conference on Guyana,’ organised by the Guyanese Diaspora, through a veiled attack as a ‘personal axe to grind’ with local businessman—Mr. Dorwain Bess.

To begin, it is of utmost importance to establish the overarching context in which Mr. Sanasie’s allegations are rooted. He engages in “psychological projection” the act of attributing to others the beliefs, behaviours, problems, or insecurities that one may themselves possess. Mr. Sanasie’s unfounded allegations appear to be, in fact, a reflection of his own insecurities. 

Mr. Sanasie’s and/or his handlers in this case, have clearly exhibited their insecurities, as a result of the resounding success of the ‘Washington Conference on Guyana,’ that in his opening tirade, he asserts, “Scraping the bottom of the barrel may very well be the applicable slogan here, as the APNU/AFC delegation to Washington DC did exactly that, in citing their example of racial discrimination by the Government of Guyana.”

Audience at the Washington Conference on Guyana - Washington DC 2023
Audience at the Washington Conference on Guyana – Washington DC 2023

Qualifying this position, without fear of subsequent contradiction, I would like to disclose that at 07:34 hrs the morning following my initial presentation to the ‘Washington Conference on Guyana’ Mr. Sanasie contacted me via Whatsapp to say “The last thing you should have done is to use Bess as an example, I would respond.”

An apparent glaring and malicious misrepresentation on the part of Mr. Sanasie’s worth noting, is that the discussion on ethnic-economic discrimination at the Washington Conference on Guyana’ was initiated by Conference Delegate Attorney-at-Law, Dawn Holder-Cush, who referenced her client. Subsequently, Conference Organizer Mr. Rickford Burke elaborated on this theme, citing Mr. Bess, among others as examples.

Anand Sanasie's veiled threat
Anand Sanasie’s veiled threat

Perplexed by the fallacy in Mr. Sanasie’s assertions, I responded to his not to subtly veiled threat, to say “I didn’t speak or refer to bess (sic): get it clear” A screengrab of this engagement will also be shared for corroboration and or publication.

Subsequently, the Editor-in-Chief of The Guyana Times Ms. Tusika Martin, sent me an email of a letter that Mr. Sanasie had sent to Guyana Times for publication, which I observed was also replicated as a news article in the State owned and controlled Guyana Chronicle.

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo attempt to besmirch MP Roysdale Forde and the Washington Conference on Guyana
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo attempt to besmirch MP Roysdale Forde and the Washington Conference on Guyana

This ‘news article’ was then almost immediately shared for wider circulation in the public by the Facebook page of Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo, in a pellucid orchestrated attempt to besmirch me and the ‘Washington Conference on Guyana”. 

Editor. Mr. Sanasie in his letter to your publication, has not only exposed his People’s Progressive Party’s fear of ‘losing ground’ as illustrated in his repeated castigation of Mr. Bess, using a litany of calumnious, character-damaging and maligning untruths; which if not retracted, and for which a Prominent Apology is offered immediately, WILL result in legal action being instituted against Mr. Sanasie and the Guyana Times.

Dorwain Bess
Dorwain Bess

The PPP, through Mr. Sanasie’s ‘projected psychological’ mindset, has clearly sunk to resorting to amplifying a typographical error present in an independent news article, insinuating nefarious intentions behind this seemingly innocuous mistake, in order to engage in a confrontational and unproductive exchange of ideas or actions, when he articulated in his now public pronouncements, “Businessman Dorian Bess story highlighted. I paused to note that “Dorwain Alpha Bess” has many variations to his name, and Dorian, as spelt in the caption of the article, may be intentional.”

In the interest of Transparency, I was in fact a Minority Director in a company owned by Mr. Dorwain Bess, called Lynwill International Trading (Guyana Inc), in January 2016, later named as SBF Petroleum Inc in April of that year—as the Company Secretary for which Mr. Sanasie also held shareholders’ interest. Two years later in 2018, as Company Secretary and Director of by then, SBF International Inc, I ceased being a part of the company and the shares which were issued to me in my capacity as a Director were returned to the Company.

Lynwil Shareholding Agreement Page 1
Lynwil Shareholding Agreement Page 1

At the time of the signing of that Shareholding Agreement, Mr. Sanasie had contracted himself, on signing the agreement, to invest US$1,000,000 in two tranches of US$500,000 for the specific purchase of fuel and petroleum products. At the time of the signing of the agreement–signed onto by all parties— the instrument ratified, that after the payment expenses, profits were to be divided into 45% shares each for Mr. Bess and Mr. Anand Sanasie and 10% share to myself.

His attempt to attribute the company’s collapse to greed rather than political factors lacks credibility and is unequivocally refuted by well-documented records to the point that Mr. Sanasie and/or his handlers must be “drowning in a sea of untruths.”

Furthermore, Mr. Sanasie asserts that Resolutions were passed in his absence to bypass bank instructions, ultimately leading to the freezing and cancellation of accounts. Contrary to these claims, meticulously maintained records, both physical and digital, substantiate the fallacy of his allegations. These records conclusively debunk his assertions and lay bare the inaccuracies in his narrative.

Lynwil Shareholding Agreement Page 2
Lynwil Shareholding Agreement Page 2

In his letter to the media and for which I was asked to respond by at least one media house —Mr. Sanasie fraudulently affirms that “In my absence, and without notice, resolutions were passed to by-pass bank instructions designed to protect my investment, resulting in the accounts being frozen and cancelled.”

Editor, again, records—physical and digital–are available and have been attached for your corroboration and/or publication, debunking the outright, defamatory, slanderous,  libelous and malicious allegations now being peddled by a disgruntled PPP crony, in a futile attempt to denigrate a successful Diaspora Conference, for which they appear to be still reeling from.

Mr. Sanasie in his tirade, claimed that SBF International Inc. made financial contributions to the APNU/AFC government election campaign in 2020, in exchange for favours, in SBF’s case, lease to “a parcel of land to establish a fuel farm in Linden.” Records (attached for corroboration and/publication)  however, prove that by August 2020, I had—as a member of the People’s National Congress Reform—already resigned as a Director of SBF Petroleum; the sole Directors of the Company by this time were Mr. Anand Sanasie with 225,500 shares and Mr. Dorwain Bess with 275,000. The 50,000 shares held in my name in SBF for which “consideration of the value of cash or any form you have for the said 50,000 shares…stand forfeited back to the company from 5th January, 2018.”

Lynwil Shareholding Agreement Page 3
Lynwil Shareholding Agreement Page 3

True to the nature of Mr. Sanasie and (or) his handlers, he vindictively, nefariously, diabolically and fiendishly publicises “the company SBF was constantly before the authorities for some reason or the other, primarily during the period 2015 to 2021. Dorwain Bess was constantly doing illegal/questionable transactions, and at some point, in 2021, I decided to resign as a director after finding out that my signature was forged. The company collapsed after I filed court actions to retrieve my investment.”

Mr. Sanasie once more omitted to recognize that Guyana is an integral member of the global community, firmly rooted in the 21st century. I possess records that outline the challenges faced by Mr. Bess’ business due to Mr. Sanasie and his associates’ actions, constituting an apparent hostile takeover attempt. I have also enclosed these records for verification and public disclosure.

In his haste to denigrate the Diaspora Conference and attack Mr. Bess and myself, he inadvertently and catastrophically—for his handlers—or fortunately or unfortunately, disclosed that by 2020, a majority black-owned company, of which he was part owner, had in four years grown to the point of paying Billions in Duties and Taxes to the Guyana Revenue Authority. It was a lucrative fuel business, where the motivations behind a hostile takeover are glaringly evident and that takeover was unwittingly planned, unknowingly to the other Director.

Lynwil Shareholding Agreement Page 4
Lynwil Shareholding Agreement Page 4

Further reinforcing this position, permit me to also divulge the maliciously orchestrated plot where at around 19: 47 hrs, last Friday–the day following the conference—I made contact with Mr. Sanasie as a result of the earlier Whatsapp message he had sent me, to wit, “the last thing you should have done is to use Bess as an example, I would respond.”

Mr. Sanasie at the time, also indicated to me he had asked the people for favours, a clear reference to the hierarchy in the PPP and that they in turn, directed him to respond to the assertions raised at the Conference, in a manner that pleases, and satisfies them, in order for him to get the favours that he has been asking them for.

Having consulted with Mr. Bess on the issues raised—since parting ways with the company in 2018—I have been informed and verily, do believe that prior to Mr. Sanasie’s departure from the company as a Director, Mr. Sanasie demanded that Mr. Bess sign over 85% of the shares of the Company to him. This since, according to Mr. Sanasie there was a change in Government and for the Company to survive and prosper he as an Indian must have the controlling interest and be the face of the company.

Anand Sanasie attempt at hostile take-over
Anand Sanasie attempt at hostile take-over

Editor, elucidating further on this contemptuous plot that was maliciously conspired with by Mr. Sanasie and his PPP cohorts, to wrest away control from Mr. Bess, a successful fuel business, from Afro-Guyanese, he had presented to myself, unknowing to Dorwain Bess, a document purporting to be a Resolution of the Board of Directors, to effect the transfer of shares held in my name to Mr. Sanasie.

I refused to sign this document. This has led me to believe this, in part, continues to fuel his ignoble malice against myself. The document with which I was presented bore a single signature, that of Mr. Sanasie.

Mr. Sanasie asserts that resolutions were passed in his absence to bypass bank instructions, ultimately leading to the freezing and cancellation of accounts. Contrary to these claims, however meticulously maintained records, both physical and digital, substantiate the fallacy of his allegations.

I have since been informed by Mr. Bess and verily, do believe, what was related, that Mr. Sanasie was formally removed as a Director at SBF International Inc., at an Extraordinary Meeting in light of an attempted ‘hostile takeover’ through dubious machinations using PPP front men for the ‘PPP big boys;’ a complex matter that requires careful scrutiny by the relevant local and international integrity bodies.  

SBF International Shareholders - 2016
SBF International Shareholders – 2016

I have since also been informed by Mr. Bess and verily do by believe that Mr. Sanasie approached Mr. Bess to relate that PPP senior government officials along with closely linked associates ( Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop) wanted to obtain his controlling shares  in SBF International Inc., ‘for free’ but this did not obtain.

I have also been informed by Mr. Bess and I do verily believe that Mr. Sanasie, subsequent to the initial refusal, commented to Mr. Bess, “…this would cause my (Bess’) life to become a living hell, if I did not hand over the 85% of my shares to a front man for a very senior government functionary.”

Editor, I am in possession of the same, to corroborate this statement and will share the same.

I have also been informed and verily, do believe that this refusal by Mr. Bess to sell his company to ‘a front man for a very senior government functionary’ led Mr. Sanasie to file litigation against SBF International Inc. for a debt—a debt that was, I am informed, already paid in full.

SBF International Transfer of shares - 2018
SBF International Transfer of shares – 2018

The fact of the matter is when Mr. Anand Sanasie, became a vested member of SBF International Inc., as an investor, no actual cash was handed over to the company. The money was, as per the ‘Investment and Shareholding’ Agreement, to be used to purchase fuel and petroleum products for SBF International Inc., in two tranches of US$500,000 to be sourced from “Trinidad West Indies.”  The $1,000,000 was instead used by Mr. Sanasie to purchase a vessel, to be vested as an asset for SBF. International Inc.

The vessel was never put to use; the vessel’s lack of use actually resulted in financial losses for the company, stemming from maintenance efforts and various other factors.  Soon thereafter, a successful Judgment was sought against SBF International Inc. by the Trinidad & Tobago investor. The company as a result again lost money as a result of Mr. Sanasie’s (in)actions which led to the company being adversely affected financially.

SBF International Shareholders - 2020
SBF International Shareholders – 2020

Editor, I have since also been informed and verily, do believe, Mr. Sanasie is alleged to have fabricated a fraudulent agreement forging my and Mr. Bess’ signatures leading to him being granted judgment against the company by the Honourable Justice Franklyn Holder.  

Poignantly, I wish to emphasise that, as I have been informed, and verily, do believe, that the morning after Mr. Bess’ release from being wrongfully  incarcerated, an Attorney visited saying “they are willing to release me, if I agree to settle by signing over the company.”  Bess refused and served thirty (30) days before being released.  

Editor, Mr. Sanasie’s untruths are further exposed in his assertions that “the company collapsed after I filed court actions to retrieve my investment.” What he failed to mention, is that true to his recorded threat: (of which I am also in possession of, and will attach for corroboration and/or publication), the company would be decimated by ‘ PPP the big boys.’

This later manifested to be true, as Mr. Sanasie’s ‘clairvoyance’ if not prophetic gift became a reality, when the Guyana Energy Agency shortly after revoked the company’s fuel licence over an alleged forged lease signature– now public information–a matter that has since been engaging the Courts.

The cancellation of the company’s fuel licence is a complex matter that requires careful scrutiny. Allegations surrounding a forged lease signature were at the core of this issue, but it is pertinent to note that Mr. Sanasie, in his capacity as the de-facto finance comptroller in SBF International Inc., was intricately involved in these events.

Editor, I have since also been informed and verily, do believe, the cancellation of the company’s licence is based on the submission of an agreed upon extension of a previous commercial lease of a storage facility located at Christianburg, Linden, Region 10.

During the course of those events, Mr. Anand Sanasie was at the time a Director and de-facto Finance Comptroller in SBF International Inc and there is incontrovertible evidence, in the form of a letter submitted by Mr. Anand Sanasie, SBF International Inc.,’s signatory, on or about July 23, 2020 that there was a clear continuing “Landlord/Tenancy” relationship between the two parties in extension of the previous lease.

Mr. Sanasie, I am aware, as Director of SBF International Inc., had arranged for the original lease on the property and was also responsible for the oversight of the lease, signed and submitted the Lease document and subsequently sent the letter to the GEA challenging the Agency’s contention that the company did not have legal grounds to operate in the facility.

Guyana Energy Agency (GEA) Head Dr. Mahender Sharma
Guyana Energy Agency (GEA) Head Dr. Mahender Sharma

GEA Head Dr. Mahender Sharma in a letter to SBF International Inc., had acknowledged receiving on November 12, 2019, a copy of a lease from the company to support its application for the renewal of its Importing/Wholesale Licence for the period 2019/2020. The date of the lease, April 1, 2019 to March 30, 2020. He at the time acknowledged GEA making contact with Mr. Anand Sanasie, over concerns with the lease agreement between two private parties and that by way of a letter, Sanasie maintained that there was an agreement between the two companies for tenancy.

Despite this, SBF International Inc.’s ‘Fuel Licence’ was still revoked. Why?

Furthermore, Mr. Sanasie’s reference to Mr. Bess’ child’s mother, who served as a director in an entirely separate company, with which I had no connection, and her status at the time as a junior lawyer within my firm, highlights the extent to which Mr. Sanasie and/or those influencing him were willing to exploit their “personal grievances” and the ambitions of influential individuals in the vitriolic public attack, against myself and Mr. Bess. This was clearly done with the intention of undermining the APNU+AFC’s involvement in a Diaspora Conference.

To clarify, the ‘Washington Conference on Guyana,’ which took place on September 27 and 28 in Washington D.C., was organised by the Guyana Caribbean Institute for Democracy (CGID), a Diaspora organisation. CGID extended an invitation to the APNU+AFC to provide updates to the Diaspora and members of the Black Congressional Caucus regarding the situation in Guyana. As any democratic and inclusive Party should, we acquiesced, in order to engage in a constructive dialogue, as any inclusive Democratic Party would and should do.

Editor, Mr. Sanasie’s mention of SBF’s sponsorship of ‘The Christopher Martin’ show, which he verified was financed by SBF funds, along with his statement, “I, an East Indian, signed the cheque,” has inadvertently affirmed the widely acknowledged inclusivity displayed by Mr. Bess, a black business owner. It underscores his willingness to entrust the financial matters of his multi-billion dollar business to an Indian colleague, irrespective of ethnicity.

Guyana Cricket Board fuel payment
Guyana Cricket Board fuel payment

Mr. Sanasie however, failed to disclose that he betrayed this trust that he, as the de-facto financial comptroller of SBF Petroleum Inc. was entrusted with, used his position at the helm of the Guyana Cricket Board, to use that body’s money to purchase fuel from a refinery in Trinidad and Tobago—Petroleum Company of Trinidad and Pointe-A-Pierre refinery—in the name of the Cricket Board, using the cricket board’s Nova Scotia’s Bank Account without the knowledge and or consent of myself and Mr. Bess.

It was these series of events amongst others that led to many of the legal woes that he, as the finance comptroller instigated without the knowledge and or consent of myself and Mr. Bess.

Editor, The nature of the other allegations, though defamatory, libelous, and malicious, exudes a provocative undertone within the legal context in its intent, there is no need for a response, as these allegations have already been discredited in the public sphere.

A basic inquiry through an online search conducted by Mr. Sanasie and/or his representatives would have spared them the effort of composing readily disprovable falsehoods.

What is apposite to note however, that in Mr. Sanasie and/or his handler’s utilisation of defamatory statements against Mr. Bess criticised the APNU/AFC delegation at the ‘Washington Conference on Guyana,’ where ‘racial discrimination’ was emphasised, they omitted reference to the numerous other instances that were also brought to attention.

Terrence Campbell on the cover of Guyana Inc.
Terrence Campbell on the cover of Guyana Inc.

These include Wilfred Brandford’s Car Enterprises, CEVONS Waste Management, Dr. Richard Van-West Charles’ Atlantic Fuels Inc, Colvin Health London, Terrence Campbell and the enumeration of other examples were cited and catalogued, at the Conference where racial discrimination against afro Guyanese business owners persists.

A truly objective perspective prompts one to inquire why Mr. Sanasie and/or his handlers opted for the selective targeting of this single businessman, a move that has been characterised by overt and subtle manifestations of contempt through various strategic manoeuvres and other machinations.

While I concur with Mr. Sanasie’s statement that “in any society, a strong opposition is required to ensure that the rule of law and accountability is achieved by providing strong and robust representation,” I sincerely hope that those responsible for upholding justice will address his alleged involvement in the apparent “unlawful” use of the Guyana Cricket Board’s funds for personal purposes and his other documented alleged criminal actions with equal diligence.

Reiterating for Mr. Sanasie’s and/or his handlers edification, “Psychological projection” is defined as any behaviour in which someone asserts that someone else has beliefs, behaviours, problems, or insecurities that they themselves have.”

On the matter of his Predisposed Psychological Projection, the nation would recall when in a widely circulated recording with Mr. Bess in which he was heard saying  “you see what happen to Christopher Jones, He’s a MP, These F@*king people dont kay nothing; they dont kay nothing;  you ain’t down by yourself, the company going down with you.”  

Editor, taking into account Mr. Sanasie’s preposterously, grotesque assertions that “it is my (Mr. Sanasie’s) personal opinion that as a whole, the current parliamentary opposition is the weakest there has been for my lifetime,” it therefore speaks volumes as to the state of affairs at Freedom House now, that the voice of the Diaspora has spoken, calling for sanctions against an authoritarian and oppressive regime and their cohorts, the likes of Mr. Sanasie, that have been exposed on the world stage.

In conclusion, it would be interesting for Mr. Sanasie and/ his cohorts to explain why in exploring the article referenced by Mr. Sanasie overtly disparaging the APNU+AFC and a Guyanese businessman, regardless of race, his (Mr. Bess’) actual sentiments expressed in the said article were clearly and deliberately omitted.

In Mr. Sanasie’s “browsing of the article,” did he not also read Mr. Bess’ expression that, “while I was initially unaware that the matter involving myself and my challenges in doing business in Guyana would be a topic of discussion at the Washington Conference, I find it heartening to observe that issues related to inequalities and discrimination, whether perceived or real, are receiving focused attention from both the government of Guyana and the Opposition.”

Did Mr. Sanasie and his cohorts also miss in the same article Mr. Bess’ appeal for unity? Did Mr. Sanasie and his cohorts also miss Mr. Bess’ exhortations for “fairness and equitable opportunities for everyone?”

Did Mr. Sanasie, before allowing his handlers to exploit his hatred for a Guyanese brother, missed Mr. Bess’ appeal to the nation to “strive to work together toward building a united Guyana, where equal opportunities are accessible to all, regardless of backgrounds or appearances.” and that “This vision can be a reality if we collaborate and prioritise unity and fairness for the betterment of our beloved Guyana.” I think not. Guyanese are not fools; we can read between the lines.

As it relates to the character of the man in question–Mr. Anand Sanasie–it would be apposite to note that Mr. Sanasie along with two others were charged with treason in a plot to kill then-President Hugh Desmond Hoyte, S.C.  

Mr. Sanasie himself had been remanded on the charge which is a non-bailable offence, and disappeared, only to resurface when the PPP returned to office in 1992. Mr. Sanasie was also investigated when he was Secretary of the GCB for attempting to obtain US visas for a cricket team that included persons not in any way connected with cricket.  

Editor, Anand Sanasie was formally charged with perjury, for allegedly falsifying an affidavit that was part of a High Court case after he failed to inform the court that he had in fact transferred the assets of the Cricket Board to private company the DEB Essential Organisation Incorporated. Editor, in January of this year, the Caribbean Court of Justice had to intervene in Mr. Sanasie’s longstanding and well documented abuses at the helm of the cricketing entity.

In light of the multifaceted context, the baseless and criminal claims made by Mr. Sanasie, a comprehensive and rigorous examination of the allegations are essential to distinguish between their credibility and their true nature, which is an attempt to tarnish my reputation and undermine the remarkable success of the ‘Washington Conference on Guyana.’

Editor, in light of the potentially damaging nature of the allegations presented by Mr. Sanasie, in the letter, it is also crucial to emphasise that many of these claims have already been thoroughly debunked in the public domain. It is incumbent upon us to uphold a commitment to truth, transparency, and responsible journalism.

Allow me to express sincere gratitude for providing the platform to offer this extensive and comprehensive response, which I believe will contribute to a more thorough understanding of Mr. Sanasie and the motivation behind his vitriol.

The Diaspora’s call for sanctions against an authoritarian and oppressive regime and its associates, including Mr. Sanasie, who has faced global exposure, underscores the gravity of the matter.

I trust that the clarifications and contextual information presented herein will aid in dispelling the cloud of baseless allegations and unsubstantiated accusations levelled against myself, the APNU+AFC and businessman Mr. Dorwain Bess. I appreciate the opportunity to provide clarification and context regarding these matters. I trust that this response will contribute to a more accurate and balanced understanding of the situation.

And to Mr. Sanasie, now that you have completed your Master’s bidding, I do hope you get that favour you sold your name for.

Roysdale Forde S.C. MP

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