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HomeColumns & BlogsLetter to Santa From Vibert parvatan

Letter to Santa From Vibert parvatan

Dear Santa,

It is always my pleasure at this time of the year – Christmas, to write to you seeking gifts for the people of Guyana. I acknowledge with thanks your previous gifts which were beneficial and appreciated.

With the recognition of the many problems facing millions of people in our troubled world today, including hunger, poverty and suffering, I will limit this Wish List for Guyana and count our many blessings.

This is the Season of peace, joy and goodwill, so where necessary there should be changes.

Instead of the current meanings of: –

    A      – arbitrary, alienation and arrogance;

    B       – bureaucracy, bigotry and blame;

    C      – confusion, corruption and confrontation;

Your gifts should create new meaning as follows: –

    A      – accommodation, affinity and appreciation;

    B       -benevolence, bonuses and blessings

    C      -Compromise, cohesion and civility;

Santa, last year, I asked you for gifts of Lie Detectors.  The need still exists.  Such detectors should be placed in several areas including Parliament, City and Town Councils, Courts, police stations even in churches where people confess.
Ho, Ho, Ho

Santa, the need is great. Besides on main roads, the Police Stations should be given this gift especially for the interrogation rooms and holding cells. Also in places where persons are paid to provide service to the public.  It will be revealing.

Santa, being in the opposition in parliament seems very unique and to be a stimulating position. Why? Only when in the opposition do they see need for changes, including the constitution. Whenever the table turns the demand for review dissipates.

Over the past three years it has become fashionable for Commissions of Inquiry to be established to address wide-ranging issues and to make recommendations on what positive approaches can be adopted.  However, the lack of follow-up in some cases suggests that COI means “Collection of Information.”
Ho, Ho, Ho!

A Constitution shapes the legal, social, cultural landscape for citizens with their rights and privileges entrenched. It must ensure the happiness, well-being and protection of every citizen irrespective of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, political association, etc.

Santa, unfortunately, purposeful unity in Guyana is sometimes compromised by divisionary forces, especially by political parties.

The power of these political parties arise from an electoral system of “proportional representation” which makes political parties dominant.  Santa, the time has come to revert to the “First Past the Post” system which encourages and empowers citizens to opt to represent their areas. They will behave in a manner knowing that they are accountable to their constituents.

This has become a very popular political mechanism to put the Government of the day under the microscope.  It provokes self-appraisal. It is good to remind the Government in any country that they can be removed if they fail to perform and comply with the laws of the land, abandon their manifesto or lose popular support.

In the Guyana scenario, some people are losing confidence in certain areas of activity including: –

  • Crime Control; Ethnic Relations; Parliament;
  • City and Town Councils; Levels of Taxation;
  • GPL; The frequency of “no bail”;
  • The procurement system; Low Levels of Pension;
  • Consolidated Fund Management;
  • Controlling Noise
  • Nuisance; and Judicial Penalties.

If there is acceptance of the rights of citizens to know of all matters which can impact on their lives, then decision-makers should readily strive to keep citizens informed.  Acts of secrecy often lead to suspicion and claims of irregularity.

Santa, your gift must be to make everything transparent.  Let the people see everything, including the rising and the setting of the sun.

Santa, for many years we have had a peculiar situation regarding the appointments and confirmation of the Chancellor of the Judiciary and the Chief Justice.  The past Chancellor and Chief Justice retired as Actors after several years.  At present we have two ladies of good pedigree acting in those positions.

Santa, let your gifts reflect fair play and justice for all persons who administer justice and the citizens who seek justice.

The meaning of consultation seems not clear.

Santa, you can give to decision-makers a gift of guidance towards its interpretation and the spirit of compromise, goodwill and mutual respect in discussions.

Santa, the repeated jailbreaks and discovery of weapons, narcotics and cell phones in the prisons, clearly indicate that some personnel within are betraying the trust placed on them by Administrators. For the fire department, it was indeed embarrassing to read of our courageous firemen while responding to checks and secure an aircraft which crash-landed, they ended up removing personal items from the pilot and passengers.  They yielded to temptation.

A similar unusual situation emerged when a few members of the Police Force got playful and removed models of aircraft displayed at an exhibition.  Such events tarnish Guyana’s good image of hospitality.  Could you bring them Toy Planes? They need something to play with.
Ho, Ho, Ho!

Santa, the distinguished Jurist Lord Denning stated that it is known that crime is committed in the “dark.”  He observed that the time has come for us to look not only at those who commit crime, but at those who create the “darkness”.

Santa, it was amazing and amusing to read in a newspaper that an Auditor’s Report stated that at a certain Town Council several things happened in one day. A contract was signed for millions of dollars to facilitate infrastructure work; On the said day, there was an issue of a certificate of completion; and on the same day, cheques were made out for the full payment of the contract price.

Santa, your gift should be to get this event in the Guinness Book of Records.
Ho, Ho, Ho!

According to financial reports, there have been significant increases in the various cost centres relating to Parliament.

Santa, in these days of robotics, artificial intelligence and information technology, you may wish to consider giving to the Parliament of Guyana a network system. Which nullifies the need to meet face to face at one place.

In that process, Parliamentarians would not have to go to Parliament.  In any case, they do not debate; as when one side is speaking, the other side is absent.  The discussions could take the form of a teleconference with all parliamentarians presenting their views in groups at several locations.

If this is done, besides the reduction in costs, commuters would be happy, as whenever Parliament meets, the roads around the Parliament are closed and confusion prevails around the Stabroek Market Square. The mini-bus operators will also rejoice if this is done.

It seems necessary for psychologists and psychiatrists to explore the minds of the decision makers who negotiate conditions which govern the Oil Companies that will operate in Guyana.  In a number of countries with oil there is harsh poverty plaguing the lives of people.

The Sovereign Fund should aim at eliminating several taxes, including VAT, thus giving citizens increased purchasing power and lowering the cost of living.

The economic importance and the great potential which oil operations offer, should dictate that accumulated knowledge of the industry, specialized personnel – legal technical and administrative should be involved.  They must be fit and proper persons.
Ho, Ho, Ho!

Santa, a few years ago the Republic of Cuba funded and established an Ophthalmology Department at Port Mourant, Corentyne, Berbice.   Although critically needed, it has been in-operational for years.  The gift for you here is obvious – re-activation.
Ho, Ho, Ho!

It baffles the mind that rentals for agricultural lands could be increased by over five hundred percent and that the management of the Berbice Harbour Bridge can think of increasing fees by over three hundred percent. Santa please give to those decision makers common sense.

Santa, make sure that you say Ho, Ho, Ho and not Ha, Ha,Ha!

Santa, when we remember a few decades ago how Guyanese were getting away to other countries because of shortages and a harsh economic environment, it should soften our hearts to those persons from neighbouring countries who are seeking sanctuary in Guyana and in some cases purchasing food items to take back to their homes. Although the laws of the land must be respected, those people deserve special consideration and humane approaches. Dragging them before the Court with hefty fines appears harsh, given their peculiar circumstances.

That is called tempering justice with mercy. I can think of many Guyanese who have extended their stay in other countries and through remittances are up-keeping their families here.
Ho, Ho, Ho!

Notwithstanding the perception that Guyana has too many Ministries of Government.  Santa, please consider the gift of a Ministry of Labour.

Santa, please give a timely gift to decision-makers and leaders in Guyana to dissuade them from looking back in anger and playing the blame game.  They need to have the vision and to optimise on time which is precious also on human and other available resources.  Let us live with the past but not in the past.
Ho, Ho, Ho!

Many citizens are robbed on leaving Commercial Banks and at their homes after making significant withdrawals.  It provokes serious thought.  However, citizens cannot do the old practice of throwing a “box hand” and keeping money under the mattress because Criminals invade their homes. Santa, please provide suitable gifts to alleviate that situation.

Santa, these days the children have become very sophisticated.

They will not want such games as monopoly, snake and ladder, scrabble, dominoes, etc. They are enamored by technology and infected by smartphones so you have a challenge to make them happy.

However, many children will benefit having kind, loving and caring parents, guardians, relatives and happy teachers.

Santa, they need to be assured of food and shelter; be guided by religious teachings and have confidence in the future.

These must be your choice of gifts.

Santa, I did not suggest a specific gift under each category of the problems cited.  You may have to take a holistic approach and give such gifts which allay fears, give confidence and bring happiness so that love, peace, goodwill and harmony will be in Guyana and its people, not only at Christmas time, but always.

Santa, do have a nice stay in Guyana. Enjoy Guyana’s hospitality and start preparing for Global Warming in the North Pole.

Thank you Santa, May God continue to Bless you.

Ho, Ho, Ho!

Yours Sincerely,
Vibert Parvatan
Georgetown, Guyana

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