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HomeColumns & BlogsGod Bless America - Vibert Parvatan

God Bless America – Vibert Parvatan

The Presidential Elections in the United States of America 2008 stimulated worldwide interest, provoked debates, arguments and conflicting expectations in the pre-election period. At an early stage it was generally recognized that the Presidential Elections would be one of historical significance with the potential to bring about many changes. However, the most significant change in the political landscape of the USA which surfaced was the emergence of Mr. Barack Obama, a non white American from a minority group emerging as the first African American to represent the Democratic Party in the Presidential contest. At that stage, it was already obvious that the traditional status quo was giving way to major changes in the socio political framework of the USA.

America has always been regarded as the land of opportunity. Many Guyanese who arrived in the States with very little to show, would attest that their achievements academically and financially were attributed to the USA providing a platform for those who are prepared to set goals; to strive to achieve those goals; and grasp the opportunities.

Many descriptive terms are used to portray what the USA symbolizes. Some writers speak of democracy and the rule of law as great attributes. Some speak of its military strength being the only super power. Others speak of the employment and educational opportunities. However, there has been a history of racial division particularly exhibited by some groups which encourage discrimination.

With that backdrop, many observers may have envisaged that it was impractical for an African-American to win the Presidential elections in the USA, to hold the highest office in the land and have the most powerful position in our world.

That Mr. Barack Obama clearly won the Presidential Elections is an obvious signal that the American people have lifted their country to a higher level in which greater meaning is brought to such words as equality, freedom and liberty.

The Presidential Elections of the USA have wonderful lessons for many other countries. Lessons which can bring about greater objectivity, with focus on programmes, plans and fundamental issues rather than blind affinity, racial cleavages and jaundiced emotions which are obvious in some countries. Let freedom lovers of the world try to understand the pride and joy which the Americans must feel in their people rising above racial politics.

Had not white Americans supported Mr. Obama, victory at the polls could not have been his. Congratulations to the American people. It is a positive step forward in the advancement of the people of America and for America as a Nation.

Other apparent lessons in which political leaders, political aspirants, include that quality of magnanimity which quickly replaces political fighting when the contest is over.

Look at the Hilary Clinton/Barack Obama relationship after he defeated her to be the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate. In many lands, they would have been enemies for the rest of their lives.

Observe the meeting between President Bush and President elect Barack Obama. Mr. Obama attacked George Bush in every speech, yet as two mature people regarding the country’s national interest as being more important than their personal egos, they met. Their wives embraced each other. They exchanged their views in a cordial, polite and gracious manner. This is another lesson for many countries wherein enmity flourishes.

Let us look at another lesson, Mr. John McCain’s speech conceding defeat; He paid compliments to Mr. Obama and immediately pledged his support in the challenging task of nation building.

Another lesson would be in the statement made by President Elect Mr. Obama (obviously intended to unite people) that he will be President for all Americans.

Mr. Obama’s life should certainly be a lesson and inspiration to many young people who so often live in the past and who are inclined to blame others including history for their failures.

The Presidential Elections debates were useful. It gave viewers an opportunity to look at leadership styles and to identify how these contestants proposed to deal with issues affecting their lives. Will such debates be relevant to other countries? I would say yes. I join with well wishers and admirers of the USA in congratulating the electorate and President Elect Barack Obama and wishing all Americans, the country and its leaders continued progress in strengthening the social fabric of the nation. We wish the President Elect and his team success in rebuilding the economy and enhancing the image of America in every land.


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