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HomeLettersIndecent Exposure vs Rape: Which warrants public prosecution?

Indecent Exposure vs Rape: Which warrants public prosecution?

Collin Haynes MPH MBA
Collin Haynes MPH MBA

Dear Editor,

There is an old saying that “those who are not knowledgeable of history are bound to repeat it.” This seems to be the situation that the current Ali administration when previously occupied office and now again has resorted to oppressive and terror tactics of private citizens and members of the opposition. The recent saga of a video followed by the arrest of the accused Former Minister of Public Infrastructure and AFC parliamentarian the Hon. David Patterson of indecent exposure in the public reeks tomfoolery even in my nonpartisan capacity. This effort to distract the Guyanese public from the cover up of the alleged rape performed by the former Minister of Local Government and Regional Development will not go away without justice for members of the indigenous community.

Guyanese men particularly have found solace in relieving themselves publicly in the corners of roadways and alleys. While it is not a civilized form of public convenience, it has become part of the bathroom culture of which members of the current government can allude to. We may not be aware of the full details of the alleged discourse between Former Minister Patterson and a citizen but one will find the arrest and charge of the Minister as a waste of government personnel and time that should have been  executed effectively by charging of the alleged rapist Former Minister.

Under the Sexual Offences Act 8:03 section 28 (1)(a) and (b) states “ A person the accused commits the offence of exposure of genitals if the accused-

(a) intentionally exposes the genitals of the accused; and

(b) Intends that someone will see the genitals of the accused and be caused alarm and distress”

The current administration’s discriminatory bias has no limits for my analysis without having legal credentials suggests it is hard to prove that the defendant who was publicly relieving himself had shown intent to expose his genitals and there has been no account or evidence suggesting distress or alarm in the event of relieving himself. Any government whose aim is to suppress the voices of its people and members of the government is disturbing. The public ought to know that bad men succeed when good men standby and do nothing. It is imperative that at this moment we raise our voices and actions in against these discriminatory and vile acts before the state becomes more autocratic.

If the President is serious about his record of transparency, accountability and lack of racial biases going into the 2025 elections then he needed to ask the Minister on the account of the allegations of rape to resign immediately followed by an investigation in which the director of public prosecutions (DPP) acting professionally and laying charges based on the alleged rapist under the premise of having an underage teenager in his private home and his efforts in the aftermath to obstruct justice. The President who prides himself in “One Guyana” ought to know that we have always been “One People, One Nation and One Destiny” but political entities as the one he leads tends to use racial manipulation and party politics to suppress and disenfranchise members of the opposition and their associates while enriching his friends and family circles. This implies “One Guyana” for a particular assortment of people. 

Thank You,

Collin Haynes MPH MBA

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