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HomeUncategorizedCitizens must demand a better Police Force - AFC Press Release

Citizens must demand a better Police Force – AFC Press Release

In one of today’s newspapers another citizen is alleging abuse by a police officer.  This is the umpteenth complaint against the police and at the same time serious crime is on the increase.  This is an untenable situation for the citizens and ought not to be allowed to continue.

In one of today’s newspapers another citizen is alleging abuse by a police officer.  This is the umpteenth complaint against the police and at the same time serious crime is on the increase.  This is an untenable situation for the citizens and ought not to be allowed to continue.

But, at the end of the day, security is the responsibility of the Government and where it is found that the security force is turning criminal and not doing the job they have sworn to do, this becomes a reflection of the will of their political bosses. The buck stops with the Government.

The Alliance For Change has repeatedly called on the Government to professionalise the police force and we have made specific recommendations in this regard, but these, like the Disciplined Forces Report, the Symmons and other reports and recommendations, have been tossed out by the Government. In addition, the AFC supported the Motion of ‘No Confidence’, brought against the Minister of Home Affairs, yet the President sticks with his man, while the citizens of this country suffer and continue to live in fear. Now that fear is not only fear of criminals roaming our villages and towns but it is also fear of those hiding behind the uniform of the police force.

The recent incident on the Corentyne resulted in ranks from the #51 police station being removed. It seems there will be no stern disciplinary action, no independent investigation to determine the level of ranks in criminal activities. Rather, these ranks have been transferred to other villages and towns where they can continue with whatever nefarious activities they were engaged in. Another village or town will not have to suffer. Is there any citizen who would feel comfortable knowing that rogue officers, who may be engaged in criminal activities, are in their community?  How does this lend to building confidence in the police force?

It is clear that the Government has no intention of acting decisively to clean up the Force. The have failed to provide a safe state for the citizens of this country and this forcing many of our citizens to leave this country, it is scaring away investors and costing businesses and private citizens millions every year to pay for protection the Government ought to be providing.

The World Bank in a recent report says crime in Guyana is, "undermining growth, threatening human welfare, and impeding social development".  This is an indictment on the PPPC Government that seems not only incapable, but lacking political will to take the steps necessary to ensure the citizens of this country can live free from fear.

The AFC is calling for citizens, not only those of #51, but in all villages, towns and all communities to speak out against police brutality and stand up for your right to protection from all types of criminality and criminals. We are also calling on the professional police men and women in the Force who value how they are perceived as part of the police force, to speak out and demand a force they can be proud of.

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